Performance Lag Address Program (PLAP). Improving school achievement levels

by Elliott Nkoma
₹ 300
ISBN Number : 978- 1-63040- 527-4

Elliott Nkoma

Psychology lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Psychology, Great Zimbabwe University, Masvingo, Zimbabwe, P.O Box 1235


Book Overview

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education in Zimbabwe launched the Performance Lag address Program (PLAP) in October 2012 in Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe, after realizing the under-achievement of students at both primary and secondary schools which was caused by the socio-economic meltdown from 2006 to 2008. (Nkoma., et al. 2013). The crisis had considerable impact on several aspects of the education system particularly related to financing, the teacher force, participation, equity and learning outcomes (MOESAC, 2013). This period was characterized by regressed and subdued teaching as most teachers left the country looking for greener pastures. Those who remained were mainly on strikes and as a result of inadequate salaries. Due to the subdued and regressed teaching in schools some teachers practiced extra-lessons at a fee at their homes after school, on weekends and during school holidays. The students did not have rest and as teachers taught less at school and more at home as they needed the extra dollar. The teaching was haphazard as they did not take into consideration the diverse needs of students.