New Techniques Used In Scanning Of Different Materials

by Falak O. Abas
₹ 300
ISBN Number : 9781630414450

Falak O. Abas

Dr. Falak O. Abas, she has BSc in chemical engineering at 1995, and has MSc in chemical engineering / industrial units- preparation and characterization of polymers at 1998, and has PhD in chemical engineering / environmental techniques treatment for solid waste - pyrolysis at 2002, she has assistant professor in chemical engineering department from 2008 in University of technology , she has teaching various undergraduate, and higher graduate courses in chemical engineering and in material engineering, of industrial units, such as distillation,


Book Overview

This book have an illustration of the newest techniques for monitoring, scanning and characterization of any materials which are different in structures, nature, properties, and it is state are matter of interest for most researchers and post graduate students who are indulge in researching fields. Knowledge the structure and operation mechanism of any equipment are again an essential basis for any research study, especially if supported with a detail example of application for each one. Actually to my knowledge till know there was no universal uniform published and locally available book concern on discussion of all of these up to date techniques and mention the composition and mechanism of operation of all in need equipments in any field of interest. This reason encourage me to decide to collect all of these information to gather and authorized it in a simple and comprehensive book of 2 parts to be a beneficial easily reachable source for any person interested in research studies.