Rural Tourism: Emerging New Concepts

by Venkatesh R
₹ 300
ISBN Number : 978 - 1- 73034 - 458 - 9

Venkatesh R

Asst. Professor, Department of Folk Tourism, Karnataka Folklore University, Gotagodi, Shiggaon TQ, Haveri Dist., Karnataka State PIN:58119


Book Overview

Introduction Rural tourism focuses on participating in a rural lifestyle. It can be a variant of ecotourism. Any village can be a tourist attraction, and many villagers are very hospitable. Agriculture is becoming highly mechanized and therefore requires less manual labour. This is causing economic pressure on some villages, leading to an exodus of young people to urban areas. This is causing seriously to the rural culture and the tradition. At the same time urban people are losing their interest towards traditional attractions and they would like to visit rural areas and countryside where the real tradition and the cultural are remaining. There is however, a segment of urban population that is interested to visit the rural areas and understand their perspective. This segment has been rapidly growing in the past decade and has led to rural tourism becoming a good business prospect.