Dr. Alice Albu, M.D., PHD.,

Assistant Professor of Endocrinology Endocrinology Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania Doctor Alice Albu is Assistant Professor at the Medical Faculty of Carol Davila University, Endocrinology Department and Consultant in Endocrinology at Elias Hospital, Endocrinology and Diabetes Department, Bucharest, Romania. Dr. Albu has 15 years of experience in the field of endocrinology and her main interest is in reproductive medicine and pediatric endocrinology. She showed a particular interest for the endocrinopathies associated with beta-thalassemia major and she is a member of the ICET-A network. She graduated Carol Davila University, General Medicine Faculty in 1999. In 2014 she finished the PhD degree in cardiometabolic aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome. Her clinical research in polycystic ovary syndrome were presented at national, European and international conferences and published in journals with high impact factor. She constantly work with students and young fellows interest in reproductive medicine and in particular in polycystic ovary syndrome. Dr. Albu published about 80 scientific works, is coauthor of 2 books and she is in the editorial board of the journal “Uterus and Ovary”.